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Beyond Brown Bear: The Best Books to Encourage First Words

Language and literacy are inextricably related, developing together from birth. As speech and language pathologists, we look for new ways to foster oral language skills in those for whom they do not come easily. By pairing focused language stimulation with books that facilitate early single words, we can help support children in their natural language development and provide resources to engage parents in the learning process.

November 22, 2021

4 min. read

Language and literacy are inextricably related, developing together from birth. Oral language skills, including vocabulary and grammar/syntax development, form the foundation for storytelling and storycomprehension.

As speech and language pathologists, we look for new ways to foster these essential skills in those for whom they do not come easily. For example, reading picture books with children who have language delays provides opportunities to integrate language (especially new vocabulary) and literacy goals into one context. Here, well examine a few techniques for building vocabulary and which books can best support those efforts.

Repetition and Pairing

Research demonstrates that children learn new vocabulary through multiple exposures to a new word in grammatically correct, linguistic, and experiential contexts. paired with descriptive, conceptual information.

For example, to learn the word dog, children must hear the word "dog" when a real dog, a picture of a dog, or a stuffed dog is present, and then be taught that this animal names dog says woof, is furry, and wags her tail". The child needs repeated opportunities to hear this word and the correlating descriptors applied to different real, pictured, or stuffed dogs.

A recent study by Mary Alt and colleagues found that children with language delays need to hear a new word, in context, 64 times within a session to learn it!2 In a follow-up study, they found that either 45 repetitions of six target words in a session or 90 repetitions of three target words in a session facilitated vocabulary acquisition.

Focused Language Stimulation

In language therapy, we use an evidence-based technique called Focused Language Stimulation to provide multiple exposures to target vocabulary words.Focused Language Stimulationsuggests we must go beyond modeling a target word throughout a session and create concentrated models, as well. Alt and her colleagues reported that nine repetitions per minute in grammatically correct linguistic contexts was optimal.1

Here is an example of a concentrated model using the target dog:

This is a dog. Hi dog. The dog says woof. The dog wags his tail. Woof-woof dog. The dog is so happy. Now the dog is sleeping. Shhhh. Bye dog.

Focused language stimulation does not require us to elicit the word dog from the child; concentrated exposure is enough. However, another well-researched therapy technique called milieu teaching may be an effective supplement. Using this technique, after modeling the target multiple times, we ask the child, Who says woof? which would then prompt the child to respond with dog.

Pairing Books with Focused Language Stimulation

Suppose we want the child to learn to say the word duck. Would you choose Brown Bear, Brown Bear or Five Little Ducks?

Both Brown Bear and Five Little Ducks feature the word and imagery associated with duck. Both books encourage active participation. The repetitive nature of both stories helps children to learn the text. and they soon engage actively in the reading. But between the two books, the better choice to facilitate duck is Five Little Ducks. The word duck is repeated at least 15 times in this story versus four times in Brown Bear.

Here are some of my other favorite books that use Focused Language Stimulation to facilitate early single words:

First nouns:DADDYThe Daddy Book by Todd ParrMOMMYThe Mommy Book by Todd ParrCATHave You Seen My Cat? by Eric CarleFISHHooray for Fish by Lucy CousinsANIMAL NAMES AND SOUNDSI Can Say That by Suzy Lederer

First verbs:EATCrunch Munch by Jack LondonGOGo Dogs Go: Book of Things That Go by PD EastmanEAT, DRINK, HUG, KISS, CRY, SLEEPI Can Do That by Suzy LedererWASHMrs. Wishy-Washy by Joy Cowley

Other early words:MOREBear Wants More by Karma WilsonNOWheres Spot by Eric HillUPGreat Day for Up by Dr. SeussGOODNIGHTGoodnight, Gorilla by Peggy RathmanHI, BYE, EAT, DONE, NO, MORE, UP, BABY, MOMMYHey, Hey Lets All Say by Suzy Lederer

These techniques and books can of course be utilized by all pediatric SLPs but should also be suggested to parents and other care providers in the home to engage with the child and reinforce your work together between sessions.

To further help you understand and use these techniques and others, I offer a variety of courses on the development of single words, focused language stimulation, using books to facilitate vocabulary development, and more.

Below, watch Susan Lederer discuss parent implemented intervention in action in this short clip from her MedBridge course, "Intervention for Single Words through Simple Sentences."

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